After reading other people's advice, our plan was to make it out to the Tarsier's Natural Sanctuary up in the hills behind Tagbaliran City, on Bohol Island. For reference, it takes about 20 minutes by car from T-City up to the sanctuary, which closes at 4:00. Our driver was sure he would get us there one time, but by 4:40 when we arrived, we were afraid that we had missed them. He was determined to let us see the Tarsiers, so we went over a mountain road that let us out right back at the Loboc River Tour center where we had started.
We stopped at the side of the road at a set of shacks set up with hand painted signs saying "Tarsiers Inside". I was skeptical, but we went inside to check it out anyways. There was no charge to come inside, only a tin can labelled "Tarsier Feeding Donations". They had potted plants all around and it resembled a green house inside. As we walked be the plants, we looked inside to see massive eyes staring back out at us. The more plants we looked in, the more we found.
They had probably 20 or more tarsiers in their little garden. Apparently, they had been bred in captivity. Although it wasn't the most natural of habitats, it really wasn't bad. These people made their living off these animals, and constantly walked around, making sure they were fed, and people didn't handle them on their own. They would take them down and put them on willing, courageous participants arms for photo opportunities, but people weren't allowed to handle them themselves. So, although it wasn't a natural habitat, it did give us the chance to view them up close.
The part that impressed me

When asked if we could take one home, Candy quickly answered , "NO"!
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